Charlotte Mason Homeschool
CM Homeschool Curriculum Options I first became interested in a Charlotte Mason education when my oldest was only 3 years old. I bought the book, A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola. I fell in love. That said, I didn’t fully understand the philosophy or try to implement it until years later. Many people hear “Charlotte Mason” and they think “nature study and books,” and they’re not wrong. However, there is so much more to a Charlotte Mason education. Some years ago I went from Charlotte Mason “inspired” to fully embracing and implementing it in our homeschool. You don’t need any particular curriculum and in some cases I think products…
Free Handwriting Story Pages
I created this homeschool writing and notebooking resource for my own kids, and thought I’d share it with you! I’ve included 4 size options that will work for children in preschool through elementary age. Every student is unique, so you can choose whichever works best. They have traditional blue and red lines to give visual cues on where to start and stop. For black and white, you may just choose to print in grayscale. I’ve included one version with a box at the top for a visual cue of where to draw, as well as one without for those who prefer it. This free homeschool resource if available to subscribers…
NEW & IMPROVED Homeschool Planner
Last year I shared my homeschool planner, and I received so much positive feedback that I thought I’d share it again! It’s free for email subscribers. If you’re not yet a subscriber, SIGN UP HERE and you’ll immediately receive an email with a link to download! If you’re already a subscriber, head over to our freebie library to get your copy. If you prefer not to subscribe, it’s also available in our Etsy shop. This download includes PDF files in TWO styles – the original style from last year, with updated calendars, and the one I’ll be using this year. Each style includes: 2021 | 2022 Homeschool Planner Cover Editable…
Spring Nature Books for Kids (and Parents too!)
Are you looking for Spring nature books for kids? We love children’s books about nature! My family loves nature walks and hiking, and my kids love learning about all the nature topics – flowers, gardening, plants, trees, birds, animals…they love it all! And I love seeing them follow their interests and learn more! And a pretty bookshelf is always fun! If you’d like even more ideas, check out our amazon favorites, to browse for ideas to borrow from the library, purchase, or add to your wish list! I really enjoy seeing my kids light up when they follow their interests and learn more. Spring is such a great season, full of…
Spring Tree Q-Tip Painting – Free Printable Craft Activity for Kids
I originally put this together for Fall when we were studying Autumn trees. However, we enjoyed it so much that I decided to turn it into a Spring craft activity! We love the cherry blossoms and it’s really calming and fun to paint the pink blossoms all over the paper. This would be a great Spring craft activity for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, or beyond. (Honestly, I really enjoy it too!) And it fits perfectly with our Spring Tree nature study theme this week! I printed the page on cardstock and then glued it to a piece of construction paper. Then we just dotted our papers with paint to…
Best Books for Children about Owls
Are you looking for children’s books about owls? My kids love learning about animals, and I really enjoy seeing them light up when they follow their interests and learn more. We have loved studying about owls in our homeschool, and I compiled this list of kids picture books about owls to share with you! A few of these are not technically “children’s” books, but I know that even my 6 year old loves to look at books full of facts and photographs about owls. Whether you are doing a unit study about owls in your homeschool or just looking for some fun books about owls, I hope you enjoy this…
Kids Coloring Pages and Activities for Fall
Looking for a fun set of printable activities to keep your kids entertained this Fall season? I designed our newest kids printable pack – Fall Forest Friends kids coloring pages and activities for just that purpose. It’s full of fun coloring pages and activities for children that are sure to keep your kids engaged (while working on valuable skills) this Fall and Thanksgiving season. While you prepare the holiday meal, kids can sit nearby and color, do word searches, or play memory match. Includes: -Word Search Pages -Coloring Pages -Memory Match Game -I Spy Colors -Cutting Practice “Snip” Strips -Mazes -Which One is Different? The kids coloring pages are…
Free Reading Tracker for Kids
All of my kids love to read, and honestly don’t really need a lot of incentive. But they LOVE working towards a goal. My youngest finished her homeschool reading curriculum All About Reading, but missed the progress chart. So, I created a reading tracker for her to work toward a goal of reading 50 books. I bought these cute and simple round stickers for her to put on each of the little books on the tracker. We could have just as easily just checked off each one, but what kid doesn’t love stickers?! When she reaches her goal, she’ll get a one-on-one date with me. As a homeschool family, we…
Seasonal Nature Poem Printables are HERE!
This has been a year-long labor of love, and the Seasonal Nature Poem Printables are finally ready! Beautiful artwork for your home or homeschool for every season. Change it out weekly to go with your nature study theme or display multiple pieces to suite your home decor. I designed these printable pieces so that they can stand alone for seasonal decoration as well. Nature and poetry combined for two of my favorite ways to decorate! You can purchase each season separately or bundled for better value. I wanted to make these as affordable as possible, while still making it worth the considerable time and expense I’ve put into them. …
Children’s Devotional How Great Is Our God
I was so thrilled to be blessed with a complimentary copy of Louie Giglio’s new children’s devotion about God and Science. As homeschoolers we are always looking for ways to incorporate great fact-filled learning with our faith. We already have his first devotional, and my kids LOVE the new one as much as the first. We read it as part of our morning basket time. Actually, I often have to go in search of it because my 8 year old tends to take it out of the basket to look at! ⠀ I really can’t blame her. This book is full of scientific facts, adorable illustrations, beautiful photographs and more,…