• Homeschool

    Spring Nature Books for Kids (and Parents too!)

    Are you looking for Spring nature books for kids? We love children’s books about nature! My family loves nature walks and hiking, and my kids love learning about all the nature topics – flowers, gardening, plants, trees, birds, animals…they love it all! And I love seeing them follow their interests and learn more! And a pretty bookshelf is always fun! If you’d like even more ideas, check out our amazon favorites, to browse for ideas to borrow from the library, purchase, or add to your wish list! I really enjoy seeing my kids light up when they follow their interests and learn more. Spring is such a great season, full of…

  • Best Children's Books about Owls

    Best Books for Children about Owls

    Are you looking for children’s books about owls? My kids love learning about animals, and I really enjoy seeing them light up when they follow their interests and learn more. We have loved studying about owls in our homeschool, and I compiled this list of kids picture books about owls to share with you! A few of these are not technically “children’s” books, but I know that even my 6 year old loves to look at books full of facts and photographs about owls. Whether you are doing a unit study about owls in your homeschool or just looking for some fun books about owls, I hope you enjoy this…

  • Faith,  Family,  Homeschool

    Children’s Devotional How Great Is Our God

    I was so thrilled to be blessed with a complimentary copy of Louie Giglio’s new children’s devotion about God and Science. As homeschoolers we are always looking for ways to incorporate great fact-filled learning with our faith. We already have his first devotional, and my kids LOVE the new one as much as the first. We read it as part of our morning basket time. Actually, I often have to go in search of it because my 8 year old tends to take it out of the basket to look at! ⠀ I really can’t blame her. This book is full of scientific facts, adorable illustrations, beautiful photographs and more,…

  • Best Picture Books for an Autumn Tree Nature Study

    Best Picture Books about Autumn Trees & Fall Leaves

    Are you looking for great picture books about trees? Picture books about Autumn or Fall leaves? Picture books about Autumn Trees for your preschool, kindergarten or first grade classroom? Then look no further!  Every year, as part of our nature study in our homeschool we read children’s books about trees in the Fall season. I selected a number of great children’s picture books about Autumn for our first grade homeschool bookshelf. Some of these books related to trees are classics, some are non-fiction for gentle science study. We lean a bit Charlotte Mason in our homeschool style, so I am all about books! Some of these are about trees and…

  • Poetry for Kids
    Family,  Homeschool

    Poetry for Kids

    This year as I homeschool my daughters for 1st grade I’m being more intentional about including poetry. We’ve always had poetry books and such, but this year I am also displaying a new nature related poem every week and we read it during our morning basket time. The girls really look forward to hearing it each day! We’ve also been really enjoying our weekly Poetry Teatime! I make gluten and dairy free treats, we sip tea, and we read poetry! People often ask which books are currently in our poetry basket, so here you go! Where the Sidewalk Ends A Light in the Attic Sing a Song of Seasons: A…