Spring Tree Q-Tip Painting – Free Printable Craft Activity for Kids
I originally put this together for Fall when we were studying Autumn trees. However, we enjoyed it so much that I decided to turn it into a Spring craft activity! We love the cherry blossoms and it’s really calming and fun to paint the pink blossoms all over the paper. This would be a great Spring craft activity for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, or beyond. (Honestly, I really enjoy it too!)
And it fits perfectly with our Spring Tree nature study theme this week! I printed the page on cardstock and then glued it to a piece of construction paper. Then we just dotted our papers with paint to represent the cherry blossoms. The best part about this craft activity is that it also works on those fine motor skills that are so important for handwriting. I’ll share a free printable at the end of this post so that you can do this with your kids too.
My kids love q-tip painting, and it’s super easy to do!
- Tempera paint
- White cardstock
- Construction paper
- Smock to protect clothing
- Paint tray palette
- Craft tray
- Glue
- Q-Tips
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