Spring Nature Books for Kids (and Parents too!)
Are you looking for Spring nature books for kids? We love children’s books about nature! My family loves nature walks and hiking, and my kids love learning about all the nature topics – flowers, gardening, plants, trees, birds, animals…they love it all! And I love seeing them follow their interests and learn more! And a pretty bookshelf is always fun! If you’d like even more ideas, check out our amazon favorites, to browse for ideas to borrow from the library, purchase, or add to your wish list!

I really enjoy seeing my kids light up when they follow their interests and learn more. Spring is such a great season, full of growth and hope. We especially love to learn about flowers, gardening, and birds in Spring. I have compiled this list of kids picture books about Spring to share with you! A few of these are not technically “children’s” books, but I like to include a few books that are for older kids or mom and dad too. Whether you are doing a unit study about flowers, birds, or gardening in your homeschool or just looking for some fun books about Spring, I hope you enjoy this list of the best books for children about Spring!
The Big Book of Blooms by Yuval Zommer – readers will learn all about botany, including how to recognize different types of flowers. Subsequent pages illustrate the various habitats that are home to flora such as pitcher plants, the giant water lily, and the weirdly wonderful corpse flower. Readers will discover which flowers are endangered and why some blooms are fragrant or colorful, not to mention grisly details about carnivorous and poisonous flowers. The quirky illustrations appeal to young readers, who will love these fun and amazing facts about the world’s most exciting plants.
The Big Book of Birds by Yuval Zommer – a fact-filled tour of the world’s most wonderful winged creatures. Yuval Zommer’s distinctive illustrations show off some of the most colorful, flamboyant, impressive, and wacky birds of the sky. Picture-book charm pairs with informative nonfiction to make a beautiful, large-format title for parents to share with young children and for older children to read by themselves. The book draws in children and parents alike with captivating information about and charming illustrations of hummingbirds, peacocks, flamingos, bald eagles, secretary birds, puffins, red-crowned cranes, and more. The book also invites young bird-watchers to protect birds where they live and make their gardens bird-friendly. The text is chatty, funny, and full of remarkable facts.
The Big Book of Bugs by Yuval Zommer – A beautifully illustrated, informative book for children introducing them to bugs that creep, crawl, bite, fly, and more. From moths and beetles to worms and spiders, the world is crawling with fascinating bugs. The Big Book of Bugs is the first fact-filled book for children to explore the vast array of creepy-crawlies that share our Earth. In the first pages, children learn that bugs live nearly everywhere on the planet and gain tips on how to become a young bug spotter. As the book continues, the scenic compositions on each page are dedicated to key groups of bugs, including beetles, moths, butterflies, bees, snails, crickets, grasshoppers, worms, and spiders. Some spreads approach the world of bugs thematically, such as bugs that come out at night, baby bugs, and life cycles, how bugs hide and show off, and how some bugs love to live in your home. The conversational, funny text is also full of facts that will astonish children and adults, and accompanied by Yuval Zommer’s colorful illustrations. Illustrated in color throughout
An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston – Award-winning artist Sylvia Long has teamed with author Dianna Aston to create this gorgeous and informative introduction to eggs. From tiny hummingbird eggs to giant ostrich eggs, oval ladybug eggs to tubular dogfish eggs, gooey frog eggs to fossilized dinosaur eggs, it magnificently captures the incredible variety of eggs and celebrates their beauty and wonder. The evocative text is sure to inspire lively questions and observations. Yet while poetic in voice and elegant in design, the book introduces children to more than 60 types of eggs and an interesting array of egg facts. Even the endpapers brim with information. A tender and fascinating guide that is equally at home being read to a child on a parent’s lap as in a classroom reading circle.
A Butterfly Is Patient by Dianna Hutts Aston – The creators of the award-winning An Egg Is Quiet and A Seed Is Sleepy have teamed up again to create this gorgeous and informative introduction to the world of butterflies. From iridescent blue swallowtails and brilliant orange monarchs to the worlds tiniest butterfly (Western Pygmy Blue) and the largest (Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing), an incredible variety of butterflies are celebrated here in all of their beauty and wonder. Perfect for a child’s bedroom bookshelf or for a classroom reading circle!
A Nest Is Noisy by Dianna Hutts Aston – From the award-winning creators of An Egg Is Quiet, A Seed Is Sleepy, A Butterfly Is Patient, and A Rock Is Lively comes this gorgeous and informative look at the fascinating world of nests. From tiny bee hummingbird nests to orangutan nests high in the rainforest canopy, an incredible variety of nests are showcased here in all their splendor. Poetic in voice and elegant in design, this carefully researched book introduces children to a captivating array of nest facts and will spark the imaginations of children whether in a classroom reading circle or on a parent’s lap.
A Seed Is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Aston – Award-winning artist Sylvia Long and author Dianna Hutts Aston have teamed up again to create this gorgeous and informative introduction to seeds. Poetic in voice and elegant in design, the book introduces children to a fascinating array of seed and plant facts, making it a guide that is equally at home being read on a parent’s lap as in a classroom reading circle.
Easy Peasy Gardening for Kids by Kirsten Bradley – An introduction to easy gardening so you can grow everywhere and anywhere. Whether you live in the city or the countryside, there are plenty of places you can plant and grow. For a new generation of green fingers there are different ways to bring nature into the home. Make your own pots, build balcony boxes, create your own bird feeders and even get friendly with worms! Each activity has been carefully chosen to create living, renewable and sustainable environments for kids and their families. Each activity has been carefully written by Kirsten Bradley, a leading practitioner in permaculture for kids and co-founder of Milkwood permaculture farm in Australia. The simple steps and beautiful spot illustrations make activities fun and easy to follow. The book will also feature non-activity spreads explaining the importance of why and how nature works. Illustrated by Aitch, a Romanian artist whose folkloric illustrations pay homage to vintage botanical books while giving each page a sense of modern magic.
Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt by Kate Messner – Explore the secret world beneath the dirt that brings the world of nature to life: Up in the garden, the world is full of green—leaves and sprouts, growing vegetables, ripening fruit. But down in the dirt exists a busy world—earthworms dig, snakes hunt, skunks burrow—populated by all the animals that make a garden their home. With Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt, you can explore the hidden world and many lives of a garden through the course of a year! Follow a young girl and her grandmother as they journey through the year planning, planting, and harvesting their garden—and learn about what’s happening in the dirt to help make it all happen. Includes a glossary of animals that live in, around, and under the garden to enrich the reading experience
Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring by Kenard Pak – In a simple, cheerful conversation with nature, a young boy observes how the season changes from winter to spring in Kenard Pak’s Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring. As days stretch longer, animals creep out from their warm dens, and green begins to grow again, everyone knows―spring is on its way! Join a boy and his dog as they explore nature and take a stroll through the countryside, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with everything from the melting brook to chirping birds, they say goodbye to winter and welcome the lushness of spring.
Trees, Leaves, Flowers and Seeds: A Visual Encyclopedia of the Plant Kingdom by DK Smithsonian Institution – A unique guide to the extraordinary world of plants, from the smallest seeds to the tallest trees. Packed with more than 1,000 incredible images and full of fascinating facts, this beautiful children’s book takes you on an exciting adventure through the wonders of the plant kingdom. Explore the incredible world of plants, from the smallest seeds to the tallest trees. Find out about the weirdest, smelliest, and deadliest flowers. Which plants eat insects? How do cacti store water? What flower looks like a bee? Where is the tallest tree in the world? Trees, Leaves, Flowers & Seeds explores the mysterious world of plants to find the answers to these and many more questions.
Flowers Are Calling by Rita Gray Kenard Pak – Flowers are calling to all the animals of the forest, “Drink me!”—but it’s the pollinators who feast on their nectar. In rhyming poetic form and with luminous artwork, this book shows us the marvel of natural cooperation between plants, animals, and insects as they each play their part in the forest’s cycle of life.
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I hope you enjoy this list of children’s picture books all about Spring flowers, birds, and gardening! This is just a sampling of all the wonderful Spring nature books for kids, and we hope it’s helpful. And, if you’re looking for a fun kid’s craft for your Spring studies, check out this easy Spring tree craft idea!