Quick Weekday Lunch for Kids – Salmon Salad
Some days I just don’t feel motivated to make lunch. While I might be able to skip lunch, that’s not the case for my kids. On these days I usually open my fridge and stare into it for several minutes while completely drawing a blank on what to feed my kids. Pre-GAPS it was pretty easy. I could take out some allergy-friendly chicken nuggets or fish sticks, bake them in the oven, stick them on a plate with some ketchup and something easy on the side. Pre-food intolerance days it was even easier! But there’s no sense dwelling on that. Instead, let’s get back to reality. GAPS. Lunch. Hungry kids.
Today was one of those days. As I stood at my open fridge, trying to work up the motivation to heat up some meat, veggies, and broth, and transform it into something tasty, it suddenly hit me! Not my fridge – an idea. Salmon salad! I’ve made it for my girls in the past, and they haven’t been big fans. However, I read ages ago that it can take several tries before kids like new foods. So, I figured we’d try it again. I’m happy to report that they ate their salmon salad without complaint, and even with enthusiasm.
It’s so easy you can throw it together on your least motivated day. It’s just canned salmon, olive oil, dill kraut, fresh lemon juice, romaine lettuce, diced avocado (yes, we eat a lot of avocado lol), topped with some real salt. I didn’t measure anything, just tossed it all together until it looked and tasted good. If you’re out of ideas, give this a try. It’s pretty tasty and good for you. I think this would be awesome on crackers. I’m planning to try making some GAPS-friendly crackers soon, but I haven’t selected a recipe yet. Eggs are still out, so that narrows it quite a bit but I’m going to try them on nuts again. If anyone has a good grain-free cracker recipe, please share!