Jesse Tree Advent Tradition
It’s not too late to start a simple Jesse Tree tradition with your family this Christmas season!
I created this printable DIY Jesse tree ornaments/coloring book as a simple way to celebrate Advent. The Scripture passages and symbols correspond with a devotional by Dean Lambert Smith, called The Advent Jesse Tree: Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for the Coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. Though you don’t need the devotional to use these ornaments. You can simply read the Bible verses and
You can find it here in my shop, if you’re interested! It comes with a black and white version for kids to color, as well as a pre-colored option for an even quicker and easier way to start your own Jesse tree for Christmas. Advent traditions don’t have to be expensive or complicated. We found this little tree at the dollar store. You can even just find a large branch to hang the ornaments, cut out a tree shape on a large piece of felt, tape them to paper, or just hang the ornaments on a line of twine. You could forgo the tree altogether, and just color a page from the booklet each day.

Each night for the month of December we read a devotion and a couple of Scripture passages. The kids can color the corresponding page and we can hang an ornament on the tree. In addition to the Jesse tree tradition, we have a few other things we do to celebrate the season. Our morning time and homeschool looks a little different in December. We take a break from some of our scheduled activities and subjects, and focus a bit more on the season.

Whatever you do to celebrate the coming of our Savior, I hope it’s filled with peace, love, and joy!