GAPS Toddler Lunch – What They Eat Wednesday
I thought it would be fun to start a “what they eat” series. Ideally I’ll share every Wednesday, but as I’m a busy mom I’m not gonna commit to that! A lot of people wonder what people eat while on the GAPS diet, and in particular, what kids eat. My girls are technically on Stage 6 of Intro (the stage just before Full GAPS – woo hoo!), though we’ve had to modify it quite a bit due to food intolerances.
Today for lunch, they started with a simple salad of romaine lettuce tossed with extra virgin olive oil and topped with ginger beet kraut (yep, I buy it.) Next they had soup that was leftover from last night: (schmaltz – chicken fat), tenderized round steak (cooked in my slow cooker until it fell apart), broccoli, butternut squash, and chicken broth. For their lunch I added more broth as well as some chicken (I always have cooked chicken from making broth) and crushed garlic, topped it with half an avocado for each girl and sprinkled it with Real kosher salt. Yum, right?!